Receiving payment for invoices on time is crucial for all kinds of businesses. Unfortunately the number of late payments is growing which puts pressure on your company. Follow-up on debtors is very time-consuming and a lot of time goes lost in the process. How much time and staff does your organisation lose thanks to invoice collection?
A solution not only saves time thanks to no unnecessary manual labour, it will increase the company’s revenue. The process sets a continuous improvement in motion which allows to focus on the core business. Therefore an efficient tool to manage your invoice collection is extremely necessary.
Meet Rependio, an intelligent follow up software to solve all your problems! Rependio offers a customizable interface and it can differentiate customer groups based on several specifications. Tailored workflows ensure the best approach for every client profile based on past experiences and A/B-testing. Configure workflows using a multichannel approach with SMS Notification, Voice To Speech, Letter, Registered Letter and E-mail. Monitoring all invoices is at your disposal in the powerful back office. Need an overview? Create your own detailed rapports as wished or generate a wide range of automatically provided rapports.
Rependio is fully customizable to suit your needs. Contact us for implementation or integration with other software and accounting packages.